Conspiracy Theory of Everything 4 ~ Integration With Technology

Spirit Science
18 min readMar 18, 2021


The Disclosure of You — what all of these conspiracies have in common- and how it relates to your ascension — is now available inside of Spirit Conspiracies. Get Free Access to the complete workshop using the link below, and enjoy the episode.

“Know your customer.” Its the de-facto business mantra of our modern era — collect enough information on everyone’s web browsing and social media habits, listen to what they talk about when they believe they’re alone, and feed the data into a network of computers so complex that computer scientists aren’t even sure how it works anymore.

This complex neural network of computers, data, and programs are then linked to nearly all of us through the apps and web services we all use daily, spitting out products, content, and suggestions catered to individuals desires better than anything that has been done before, keeping the masses glued and engaged on their phones, tablets, and desktops like nobodies business, and have been specifically designed to manipulate our thoughts and feelings to keep us using the apps longer, get our friends and family engagement, and spend more money in the process.

This… is our current reality, and what’s more interesting, the business model is wildly successful, and most people don’t even know they’re a part of it. Where does humanity go from here? A cyberpunk dystopia?

As technology continues to advance, there is a concern growing in the minds of those who have freed themselves from the matrix long enough to recognize that there is an issue. As technology advances and humans become more integrated with technology, the line seems to blur between what is real and what is not… Then again, if all of reality is an illusion anyway… does it even matter?

Let us begin our exploration with software that currently exists today, that begins to blur the lines between reality and illusion — deep Fakes. Technology is just now reaching a point where we can produce videos of just about anyone saying or doing things they wouldn’t otherwise say. *PLAY CLIP — OBAMA — “PRESIDENT TRUMP IS A DIPSHIP” *

Granted, this technology is still in its infancy. While that clip itself can easily be identified as a DeepFake, it becomes more and more difficult to tell the difference between Deepfake and Reality every day as it improves. It is being used in nefarious ways, including making porn videos of celebrities by taking their faces and applying them to other bodies. As time goes on, we may exist in a world where across the internet could exist countless videos of famous people, celebrities, and politicians saying all kinds of things that they wouldn’t otherwise say, and what happens when it gets so good that nobody can tell the difference. The real and fake versions arguing over which one is authentic?

But of course, this is only the beginning of our technological conspiracies and how we slowly lose touch with our world as we enter into new ones and integrate with technology. One of the biggest growing concerns in the world is the belief that the powers that be are attempting to control everyone through advanced microchip technology — for a while, each of our mobile devices already tracks and monitor us, the microchips could be used to monitor and potentially even manipulate thoughts and emotions on a mass level, just like Facebook and Google are already doing today. The elite wouldn’t just be watching you on the outside; they’d be able to monitor everything inside… everything about you, down to what you think about.

Integration Level With Technology

This technology, combined with an AI that can associate complex combinations of states within your physiology, predicting future behaviors and affecting our perception and decision-making process, a terrifying and possible reality becomes available to us… one where we integrate with technology. As we know, this is already happening on some level right now; with the algorithms actively recording everything you search and serving it back to you on a silver platter, this would be a far more invasive integration. What’s even crazier to consider is that people would do it voluntarily…

You see, very few people will allow this technology to be embedded in their bodies just so that the government can monitor them. Instead, just like with phone technology today, the microchip will be a no-brainer for people who are willing to receive the benefits of this tech….. and the exchange? Intimate access to your personal information, everything you see, think, feel, touch, taste, and so on.

But what kind of benefits would there be? Well, at the earliest level, which Elon Musk has already announced with Neuralink, is that by connecting a few very tiny wires into your brain, they could theoretically overwrite neural patterns of depression, anxiety, and even help heal spinal problems, among other things. But in the grand scheme of things, and with a great deal of innovation, where this technology seems to go is into the realm of having a sort of telepathic link to the internet. When you have a question, instead of pulling out your phone and searching for the answer on the internet, you can access all of the information instantaneously about anything you want. For others with the implant, you may find yourself connecting to others in a pseudo-telepathic kind of way, where your thoughts and feelings could be personally shared with others in real-time, communicating beyond words, but with a language of images, pictures, and even sharing experiences. This would allow you to connect with others, both mentally and empathically, which could bring people closer together. This would fundamentally change the education system; who needs school when you have instant access to every bit of information known to humankind, right there in your mind?

The chip could theoretically support you in downloading information thousands, if not millions of times faster than reading or watching documentaries. Much like Neo in the matrix, downloading a lifetime worth of fighting techniques and being a kungfu master in a single afternoon, this integration level could be possible with this kind of technology. Imagine if you wanted to become a fantastic artist, learn everything, know about programming, master quantum mechanics, or become a professional accountant or lawyer? Why not spend an evening downloading and installing courses directly into your mind in the afternoon? You could theoretically condense six years of intense university studies into a weekend and have the same level of knowledge or even greater understanding than someone who took the time to learn it the old fashioned way.

And as more and more people integrate with technology, it may even lead to a collective hive-mind where everyone’s brains become processors for a collective consciousness shared amongst all integrated people. On the one hand, it’s very much the Borg from Star Trek. Still, on the other, it relates a lot with many Ancient Writings such as the Hermetic texts and ideas that people like Steven Greer have put forward — the idea that there’s only ONE consciousness. While all of our bodies appear separate and perceive disconnection from one another, ultimately, we’re all sharing the same consciousness within the source field.

The advent of this kind of technology would have earth-shattering implications for all of us, and life would never be the same. A sense of personal boundaries and privacy disappears as we become more open and interconnected in mind and body — but again, the conspiracy remains… Who programmed the AI that links into our minds, and much like Facebook and Google operate today, would this mental tech dissolve our personalities, losing our individuality, and making us more like robots. When all of us are connected in this kind of way, the lines of reality blur further, and we are called to ask… who are we?

Yet, the microchip technology is only the beginning of how we might connect through technology because where things could go are into the realms of something straight out of a Sci-Fi movie. Let us start with some rather inconspicuous innovations that could change the world in a big way. Perhaps one day, let’s say scientists and engineers complete a prototype for an artificial eye for blind people. A straightforward surgery, and it’s a miracle — people who have been blind all their lives suddenly have the gift of sight. It won’t stop there, though; suddenly, these people can see wavelengths of light that normal eyes can’t, have an integrated zoom feature giving them binocular eyes, and even an augmented reality display directly in their inner vision. These people could play Pokemon Go anywhere without a phone, literally seeing Pokemon all over the place. When cyborgs can not only see but see BETTER than someone with ordinary eyes, even people with satisfactory eyesight will want this upgrade, and a new generation of upgraded humans begins. Even on a less invasive level, we have the digital contact lens depicted in the new Brave New World series, which is a contact that hooks into receptors in the back of your eye, giving you direct mental and visual link to see through the rest of the eyes of society.

This could happen with prosthetics too, and in a way, it already is — although the tech is still in its infancy. Suppose someone loses or breaks their legs or arms in a terrible accident. In that case, they can one day get bionic limbs that are more powerful and capable than any normal body part, giving them super strength or super speed, at least up to the limits of what the rest of the biological body can handle. When this tech is available, of course, some people will opt to have their arms or legs replaced by bionic body parts. This may even be especially popular in top-secret super-soldier experiments done by the world’s militaries if they’re not even doing it. Ideas like this have been popular in pop culture, such as with the Cyborg in Treasure Planet or Ed Elric from Full Metal Alchemist.

But speaking now to integrated experiences, let us shift our focus for a moment to consider VR for a moment. It’s not impossible to think that something like The Oasis from Ready Player One could be right around our doorstep. This massively multiplayer online universe puts you into the experience through VR technology. This could, and likely would lead to a mass exodus from real life, as people begin shifting living their lives into this digital realm. Why go to work in an office when you can work from any conceivable place in the universe? And then, instead of spending time with friends at the bar after work, why not go hunting dragons? Instead of playing racing games on your iPad, why not go and experience a race yourself, completely immersive yet safe from the comfort of your home?

To that end, Facebook is already showing off technology that projects users’ actual faces onto their in-world avatars: This tech is still just beginning, but the levels of immersion are progressing at a rapid pace. It truly is exponential.

With all the world’s suffering and the fantastic possibilities offered in VR, some people might seek out a life spent mostly or even in-game, and while everyone is inside the game, what would happen to the real world? If we are not careful, we may end up with a reality like Ready Player One, with massive slums taking over as people spend less and less time in the physical dimension. Why bother fixing the real world when the in-game world is always perfect, beautiful, or at least, exactly as it’s designed to be?

But even this is not the end and the lines around “what is real” begin to blur until you can’t even see the line anymore. One day, it will most certainly become possible to transport your entire consciousness into a game. This concept was demonstrated powerfully by a show called Sword Art Online. A VR Headset allows individuals to leave their bodies behind as they enter into an entirely virtual world. Your body is unconscious, you’re not even aware of it, and you experience reality as if you are physically running around in Azeroth, or Minecraft, Hyrule, or… anywhere you want, as anyone that you want. Recently, this idea was also portrayed by an episode of Black Mirror, with a next-level VR headset that is just a little disc that you put on the side of your head, and it transports your consciousness into a videogame.

As you enter into a world where you can do anything, like a fly, use magic, go on epic quests, or spend an entire summer fishing by a beautiful lake in paradise… The question becomes… Why spend any time in the physical world at all? Do you want to have a super-powerful body or a super sexy one? How do you want your face to look? You can customize it to your liking freely. Since these headsets connect directly to your brains, it could even simulate sensations like getting drunk, taking psychedelics, or rewire your thinking patterns to be however you want. If the only concern of having to unplug is eating and going to the bathroom, then undoubtedly someone will create a technology that makes it so that even that isn’t an issue, and you truly never have to leave. One might also wonder exactly what would happen to your physical body if you were to rewire your consciousness and brain inside the game world. Would it change your body appearance at all?

A mass exodus from the physical world would create massive shifts and rifts within humanity, as part of the human race strives to live in this other world, and another part repels against it or cannot afford to play the game. Further, once brain integration happens, and mass data is collected on people’s reactions to certain stimuli or events, the artificial intelligence could skillfully filter and alter your perception in reality or completely guide your experience in virtual reality so that you rarely, if ever, have a desire to stop using it.

All of this technology, especially putting your consciousness into a game, will at some point give the game creators an awareness of everything about you, your thoughts, your feelings, your choices. It would allow anyone with the know-how to monitor you on a very intimate level. Yet, most people will probably skip past the 50 to 100 pages of “terms of service,” and press accept anyways because the ability to shoot fireballs and fly is waiting for them on the other side of the sign-up page.

And seeing the pinnacle of all of this together, as humanity grows more and more advanced and can create an entire robot body — if we can transfer our consciousness, thoughts, and memories into a machine, then we could exist with a robot body; just like Ultron himself… When this day comes, we will be forced to ask… what constitutes a human after all?

To some people, this already sounds amazing, and I can’t wait for the future. However, the conspiratorial aspect of this comes in the form of a question — As we step into the next 100 years of change and beyond, who is running the show? The foundation of the internet as we know it is rooted in algorithms beyond anyone’s understandings, designed almost entirely for-profit and marketing. Who controls these algorithms, who dictates what we see? Currently, our attention is essentially open to the highest bidder, but is it possible that the AI itself could take us all over? If we are integrated into this collective mind, is it possible for someone to decide what we think and feel? Even when the internet was in its infant stages, people fantasized about free and open access to information revolutionizing the world. While that did technically happen, social media has come to the forefront and allowed some of our worst primal instincts like tribalism and manipulation to resurface with greater strength than ever.

To go deeper into this, we must acknowledge that we’re all responsible for our behavior. Still, as far as social media is concerned, we use this technology to account for those who created it. In a recent Netflix documentary called “The Social Dilemma,” several ex-employees of many social media tech giants, like Google, Facebook, Instagram, and more, sat down to reveal what they had inadvertently created with this pioneering technology… a monster. They explained that they had made a world in which billions of lives are affected by the decisions of a small number of programmers, a social reality in which, through the way that the apps and software work, it facilitates minimal and subtle changes in the way that people think and feel.

It’s so subtle that you don’t even know it’s happening. Still, the result is that most of us end up living inside of a delusional bubble, seeing only the content that we are already exposed to seeing — and can even create a negative response to people who believe anything different from us. They explained that the technologies are nearly explicitly designed to get as much engagement out of you to get you to spend more and more time and more money just by browsing these social media sites. Please take a moment to think about that… every single thing that comes up on your social media feed was put there by an algorithm that was trying to get you to keep scrolling, to warm you up to potentially spending your money with an ad or continue to foster engagement by connecting with other people and bringing them back to the app too.

A supposedly leaked document from a marketing presentation for video games shows dozens of pages, plans, and methods to use AI and data collection on the ‘target’ gamer to determine when they were most likely to buy in-game items aggressively market to them by displaying offers at those times. Audio captured by the devices revealed to the A.I. the gender and mood and found that wifi signals tell their location, such as if the player is in a car, in their bedroom laying down. The Ai would also pick up mouse movements and typing speed, revealing engagement levels, determining how best to serve these ads to the individual.

All of this data is fed into the A.I. and analyzed by the marketing team to exploit human psychology for the sake of selling virtual goods. The presentation goes as far as using voice tone analysis to determine when players are slightly, moderately, and severely depressed, then reduces the use of ‘emotion-based advertisements’ and switches to logic-based ads, which were more effective in depression. You can imagine what other tactics they are using — and combined with their ability to manipulate the game to influence your state one where you purchase more from their store… Well, we weren’t kidding when we said the technology could be used to control us — even if this presentation was fake, everything mentioned in it is well within the demonstrated power of AI today. If it hasn’t been integrated yet, you better believe someone is working towards it.

Use Social Media Wisely and Mindfully

One singular and perhaps most critical question we must ask ourselves about this new technology is Truth? How do we define and collectively agree on True? Specifically, if we live in a world where no matter what you believe, you can generally find support or evidence for the argument and perspective that you hold. Want to think the earth is flat, round, or hollow? You can find ample evidence for all 3. Are you left-wing? Right-wing? Extreme Center? It doesn’t matter; on the internet, these thinking ways are both the most incredible and most logical and perfect way of thinking. The most deadly form of thinking that is destroying our beautiful planet, all at the same time, depending on who you ask.

Thus, the question of truth becomes a pertinent one… how do we — collectively as a species, find truth together? This is a question that we will revisit further down our path.

Regarding the current news and entertainment industry, we already know that the masses are manipulated daily to think and feel and respond in specific ways. With the Social Dilemma insights, it seems as though our social media is also encouraging us to begin behaving in a hive-mind mentality. This technology appears to cause us to stop becoming unique individuals and become just a cog in a massive machine. This is where there’s a pending issue with the integration technology… What’s to stop the AI from changing the nature of your being based on whose advertising to you any given day, on a deeper level than ever before?

As people have negative responses to news or events in the world today, this fuels more negativity around the issue. Not to mention, the mainstream media actively uses the information to fuel negative press and stories daily, so that even if there’s a lot of good in the world, the negative stories always get more attention.

Conspiratorially speaking — there is more and more evidence that shows that consciousness actively steers reality, that our focus and what we focus on dictates what kind of life we experience. People with hope for the world are driven to create things, but people who focus on all of the world’s negative things generally have more anxiety around things that happen and become stuck in their fear.’

The Coronavirus Quarantine was a great example of this, as we saw mass divisions from people wearing face masks and generally being scared of potentially spreading this thing and those who just relaxed into the quarantine and said, “alright, we’re here, and I’m going to use this as an opportunity to create some meaningful change, at least in my own life,” and they did.

If Facebook and google are steering the mainstream narrative, they ultimately have a massive influence on global consciousness. They could design their systems to create peace and prosperity globally, but their core focus is profit, which is good for the business, so why would they change their business model? This couldn’t have been made more evident by a personal quote from Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, who said — “What’s good for the world isn’t necessarily what’s good for Facebook.” Yes, he said that… and he owns one of the largest companies in the world, influencing the lives of billions.

Even if humanity was connected digitally with all of this access to information in the futuristic ways we’ve discussed, consciousness integration and all that, unless you were actively looking to download and install books and wisdom into your mind, it’s all too likely that the focus of our mass consciousness could be hijacked by advertisements, entertainment, or other things, the same as how we are constantly distracted by social media today, and this could be used to steer humankind in the direction of whoever or whatever was pulling strings.

At this point, it almost appears as though this kind of technological integration is inevitable, and if you’re conflicted about it, you’re not alone. On the one hand, the ability to read every book you ever wanted to in days and learn more about yourself and the universe in such a short time is very appealing… On the other hand, if your mind can be controlled or subtly or even forcefully steered in any direction by someone else, then is that a paradigm we want to be a part of?

I imagine that there will be some significant turning points for humanity along the journey in the development of this tech, but if we can learn to do this in an open-source way that allows every individual their sovereign right to freedom of thought and feeling, and choose what they share with the collective mind… Well… I don’t know… I’d be curious about the potential outcomes of this.

The silver lining we have going into this is how the process mirrors what the internet of today brought us, good and bad. Suppose we can learn from our mistakes and take that wisdom on a large scale into the new paradigm. In that case, we have hope; even if its temptations still clutch the majority of people, a select few can guard the light and guide others into an enlightened cyberpunk reality.

You can start practicing right now by being mindful of how your relationship with social media truly affects your life and the lives of those it connects you to, and hopefully pass that wisdom and mindfulness to future generations.

If a tremendous positive shift doesn’t occur, we will forever be destined to repeat our mistakes on greater and greater scales until we finally do.

If these conspiracies frighten you, please go and watch The Disclosure of You inside of Spirit Conspiracies. You can get free access in the description and see how all of these conspiracies weave together to tell a story of your ascension.


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Spirit Science
Spirit Science

Written by Spirit Science

Spirit Science is a platform for the evolution of consciousness!

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