The Hidden Human History Movie

Spirit Science
2 min readDec 24, 2020

The Spirit Science Human History movie is one of the most popular spirit science videos ever made, and for good reason. This video dives into and fully explores an alternate version of our own human history that connects a lot of dots that up until now, seemed as if random anomalies of the human race.

This is a story that derives from two primary sources. The first is the lost Sumerian Tablets, which were a collection of thousands upon thousands of clay tablets that were dug out of the ground in ancient biblical cities that were thought never to have existed. These tablets tell a remarkable story about our own history, who we are, where we have come from, and where we are going.

The second primary source of this story is a man named Drunvalo Melchizedek, who describes his experience meeting in the flesh a remarkable human has known most commonly as Thoth, or Hermes.

According to Thoth, he experienced this tale in person, and because of his level of consciousness, had been able to stay alive in the same body for thousands of years, in order to support the human race through this difficult time we’ve been moving through since the fall.

The story is certainly different than anything you likely have heard or seen before, but just as well — paints a very complex and yet simple picture of our history, which explains all of the world’s religions, and the state of the world today. All of the struggles that humanity is experiencing, and even why we are struggling to begin with, is explained through this story.

Ultimately, our perspective on this tale is “Don’t believe or disbelieve anything you see in Spirit Science — simply have your own experience”. We’re not telling you that this story is true, nor are we telling you that it is false. It is what it is, and the information may be valuable to some, and it may be irrelevant to others.

At the end of the day, you are the one who gets to decide how you feel, and what you do with this information. Regardless of that, we are almost certain you will enjoy watching.

Based on the work of Drunvalo Melchizidek in the Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life. To watch the individual episodes, Click Here!

Have fun!

The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Vol. 1

The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Vol. 2

Originally published at



Spirit Science

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